Attualità - 23/04/2021
COVID-19 and pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding: the interim guidance of the Italian National Institute of Health
COVID-19 e gravidanza, parto e allattamento: le indicazioni ad interim dell’Istituto superiore di sanità
This summary is based on the 2nd edition of the “Interim guidance on pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and care of infants (0-2 years) in response to the COVID-19 emergency. Update of the INIH COVID-19 Report n. 45/2020”, published on 5 February 2021.1
In the early days of the pandemic, the care pathways and the support networks for pregnant women, mothers, fathers, and newborns needed to be rapidly reviewed and reorganised, due to new and urgent emerging problems. Be…